Weblogic has inherited from it's previous versions O/R mapping called KODO. I don't have much to say about it, but it is default ORM for Weblogic, just as Toplink was for OC4J or HIbernate is for JBoss. Of course, JPA is implemented on all of these platforms, and the implementation is done in these persistence mappers. You should try to use JPA as much as possible, and use HIbernate/EclipseLink specifics only where you don't have any other choice. Simple rule, but as always, the problem is judging when to do that. We will say more about it in some other post.
Let's get back to persistence.xml. Since default ORM for Weblogic is KODO, if you try to use persistence.xml you used on OC4J,
Here we used addidtional properties for generating tables based on our JPA entities. It can be useful in development. Of course, not in production, you don't want to drop all tables when you deploy application. Note here that on Toplink we had to excplicitly say type of databse so this would work. We also specified logging level for toplink.
Weblogic will assume that it should use default ORM, KODO. Then you will see some KODO specific messages, and things will work... To a certain point.
As it turned out, regardless of JPA standard, implementations are not perfect. The last thing you need is changing ORM in the middle of the project (believe me, Hibernate, Toplink... I know!). If you developed with Toplink so far, you should stick to what you know. So we want to stick to Toplink which meanwhile became EclipseLink. OK, you get it with new Weblogic. Now we just have to put couple more things in persistence.xml
Note couple of things. First, we had to tell Weblogic what persistence provider we want to use:
Make sure you put it right after persistence-unit tag.
Second, name of eclipselink properties are equivalent to toplink properties. Where once was toplink, now is eclipselink. Same thing goes for most of the classes, package naming etc. So all of this makes transition from Toplink to Eclipselink on Weblogic quite simple. Until we get to classloading and structuring our EAR for new platform.
That is another story.
Hope this helps someone!
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